
And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. Romans 14:4

This was written concerning the warriors in Great Britain - but it can be received by any Christian, in any nation: anyone with a heart to serve the Lord, but who has become heavy leaden and drowsy with the weariness of living the everyday life: 

It is for Christians in genuine places of pain and hardship - but it is also: 

for Christians seeing their children off to school, for Christians doing housework, shopping, waiting at bus stops, at train stations…

for Christians in supermarkets, factories, offices, manual jobs; also teachers and nurses…

for Christians in high stress lives…and for those that seem to be going around in a cycle - the same routine over and over…loneliness, fatigue - even boredom. 

This word is for you:

“For I say to you stand - stand to your posts - 

(Matthew 25:1-13)

And await my instructions. 

For those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. 

I have seen you - many of you, become weak and wearied in this dry and thirsty place where you now find yourself. A hard barren place where there appears to be no growth and no fruit. But this is not so!” says the Lord; 

“For how can a seed produce anything unless the soil in which it is planted is first prepared? Can any plant survive without its root? For what I am doing in you - and in those that you are trying to reach - is primarily unseen at this hour…but learn again this lesson of faith: Just because you do not see it, does not mean that it is not there! 

Just as no plant can survive without its root system - as no structure can stand without its foundations - so you beloved, must be patient in this hour - the hour of things I am doing in you that are unseen (Psalm 139:15-16)

“Be of good cheer: for it is here in this desert place that I and I alone will sustain you. In the same place where I trained the great warriors of old - where I trained the nation of Israel (Deuteronomy 8:1-5) - where I trained their hands for war - is the place where you find yourself now…

The very place to which I - yes even I - had to endure (Matthew 4:1-11) - is the Place to which I have brought you; That you will learn to look to Me and Me alone for you sustenance. 

For only in the desert place - the place of unsung servitude and unheralded obedience, will you develop within you the heart and character that I require (Psalm 63:1). As I did with Moses…as I did with David, I am now doing with my Church in this hour - for those who have ears to hear. Why? So that you will emerge as my servants of old…as My Son - with a heart and a character that is refined like gold in a furnace. 

This is why I say to you Arise: do not be tempted as the five foolish virgins, but stand to your posts (the places I have positioned you) trim you lamps and fill them with oil, that you will be dressed and ready for action in the Day of the harvest - and YES there will be a harvest - YES that day WILL COME. So you my bride must ready yourself for action - even in this apparent dry and stagnant season. 

(I saw the glory of God descending in people at ground level: in homes, in streets and communities, in workplaces…Why? Because that is where we - the Church had been stationed!)

And again I heard the Lord “Do not grow weary in doing good - but Stand to your posts - wherever they may be: As I taught Israel I now teach you: for only when you learn how to stand still and wait (Ex. 14:13) - only when you learn to endure patiently, and rejoice in all things, will your heart truly be ready to receive further instruction from me. (Romans 5:3-5)

You must walk with Me in this hard place, so that you will truly learn how to worship Me - in ANY place. (Exodus 7:16)

“Why have you come down here? And with who did you leave those few sheep in the desert?” (See 1 Samuel 17:28) 

“For this is how so many of you find yourselves right now  - and you have become weary - not realizing that it is I who have placed you where you are , for the very reason I did my servant David. (Humility and total dependence upon Me is the greatest and most vital weapon you will need in this hour). It is from here that I am building you up, in mind and in character, to truly serve me. So do not be tempted to despise the day of small things, even if others around you do. (Zechariah 4:9-10)

For many of you have looked out across the nations, at the comings and goings of others - the ‘mountain top’ lives of many so-called “great ministers” and this has caused you to question: “Why am I not going anywhere…not getting anywhere?” 

But I say to you, do not be distracted by this: Because the house - the structure I am building up in you - the TRUE structure - the true nature - of My Church, is being built to be solid  - immovable - unshakable in the Earth. I do not measure “greatness” as humanity does! But surrender all that you are to Me, and I will use you - in ways that are noticeable and unnoticeable - that are seen and unseen. Take heart beloved - and STAND,  hidden in Me!”

At this time, I saw many people’s structures were actually lighthouses: They were immovable structures: built from a huge, solid breeze/cinder block type material. Their walls were at least 3ft thick. Their foundations stood possibly 100ft down. Some of these lighthouses were individual people, and many more were local churches, families, and unsung ministries, working at ground level. …And many, MANY of them were women!***

They stood constant and resolute upon the same Rock from which they had been hewn.  When so much else was crumbling, these ‘houses’ stood! And as things became darker, the Light from these lighthouses became more and more noticeable across the Land, until - towards the final hour - they literally seemed to cover the land - and people began running to them. 

We must learn this lesson of humble endurance from the lighthouse keepers of old: Because no one really needs - or notices - a lighthouse -  until things get dark and stormy. But when that time comes, the ships at sea would always have hope - because they always knew that SAME  lighthouse would ALWAYS be there: in the SAME PLACE, shining the SAME LIGHT  as a guide to salvation. Where would these ships be if the lighthouses had suddenly moved or the light keepers decided to quit? So also we must not quit, and not move until, or unless the Lord tells us.

And, as one dear sister also pointed out to me, we ourselves, as the ‘lighthouse keepers’ are not the ones who see the Light- but it is those on the outside - in darkness, who will see it’s powerful beams…it is not for us - but for them!

This is why we must be humble and faithful and STAND to our posts - even when we see nothing..for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not grow faint. (Matthew 25:1-13; Galatians 6:8-9)

Thank you for enduring to read this patiently to the end. And now, one final, vital lesson, the Lord has placed on my heart…the lesson of holiness - of hope - which is this: 

Hebrews 11:

13 All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth. 14 Obviously people who say such things are looking forward to a country they can call their own. 15 If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back. 16 But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.


vs.9 Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.


2Cor 4:16-18 

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 

When we put our Hope in the eternal things of Heaven, which we do not yet see, this will lead to a walk of Holiness unto the Lord, while we are in this world which we do see. (John 20:29)

Matthew ch.24:42-51; ch. 25:1-13

***Those who follow my blogs will know that I have prophesied much about The Lord restoring Godly men - God-fearing fathers…shepherds…leaders. But in this particular vision: The Vision of the Lighthouses, I saw predominantly women. (From many of them I could see Light - and something that looked like oil - pouring from their cracks...for ALL had been broken)

So who actually are these women?…What do we look like to God? - See 1Peter 3:1-6


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