The Watchman has No Name ~ Part 2

 From Ch. 3 ~ Great BritainAbove the flood 

As the Stone was raised, the remnant Church - those who had taken their stand upon the Word of God - were also being raised up with it: These now stood above what had become a flood, which covered the entire nation. 

And then - through the winnowing…above the flood…above the Great darkness that had all but completely enveloped the Land - I saw the Sun of Righteousness began to arise over the horizon of the United Kingdom, with Redemption in its Light and healing in its wings. (Malachi 4:2)

And I heard the sound of something being smashed against a rock - and a spark was ignited!

Ch.4 ~ The Watchman has No Name - Part II

Again I saw the climb to the high place - a remnant from Great Britain: among them I saw Prince William and Prince Harry and certain prominent members of parliament. Also I saw the commoner…groups of unknown intercessors. As they ascended they were interacting… helping…encouraging. Some of them were being handed what looked like scrolls, which they unsealed and began to read as they as they ascended: I saw Prince William had been given one.

They were ascending, just as I had seen before…except now the tables were turned. Because as they looked across to the shores of America, there on the other side, stood the Watchman from before - with the same shofar as before…and with what looked like the Israel flag, draped about him - and standing this time, not on the shores of Great Britain, but of America… and it was from there that he blew his one single blast of the shofar: at which point, something like a shaft of light appeared in the Heavens over the remnant of Great Britain 

I knew that their eyes (spiritual) were being opened. “I began to cry out…to prophecy 

“Wake Up! Wake Up!” over my nation

“There is unfinished work! We must complete what we have started in the Lord! We must finish it!”

What was this unfinished work? At first I didn’t know…

I looked again at a shaft of light that had once again appeared between Britain and America; the shaft of light had hit the heart of the Remnant- but it didn’t stop there…it carried on, headed Southward and Eastward - towards Israel!

And then I remembered…a covenant…something called: 

The Balfour Declaration.

A letter written in November 1917 by Arthur James Balfour the British foreign secretary, on behalf of the British Government, to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (of Tring), a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community .

The essence of this letter was this:

Great Britain views with favor the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine.”                                                             

No Coincidences!

During this same time, (during WWI) British and allied armies (Australian and New Zealand) under the command of General Edmund Allenby, were engaged in battle against the Ottoman Turks (who were sided with Germany) for control over the Holy Land. Shortly before securing victory, airplanes  were used to drop flyers over the City of Jerusalem, on behalf of General Allenby (who by all accounts was a God fearing man) ordering the Turks to “surrender the city” and containing  the following statement:

I spread my wings and keep my promises.

And this was the statement that the Lord was quickening to my heart.

Shortly following the end of the warthe League of Nations was formed, resulting in a revised British mandate, with revised territories under British government. Part of the territory allotted to Great Britain was the Land that is now called Israel. This should have been the first vital step in the fulfillment of the Balfour Declaration, in the establishment of “a Jewish home in Palestine.” 

The political and national interests behind the drafting of the Balfour declaration are most definitely debatable - but they are also immaterial. Because it was the Lord’s will to create a Jewish state in Israel, not man’s - and he wanted to use the only existing empire of that time to do it. 

When did things start to go wrong?

Almost as soon as Great Britain had control over the Holy Land territory, the Governmental Authorities proceeded to parcel it out: namely the land east of the Jordan, to the Hashemites (which resulted in the formation of the region of Trans Jordan)

They also appointed governors over the Holy Land who were clearly anti Jewish and opposed to a Jewish state. This resulted in travesties like the Hebron Massacre of 1929, where 68 Jews were murdered, 50 wounded and countless men, women and children raped, tortured and mutilated.

There was also the infamous Arab uprising against the British from 1936-39, which demanded independent Arab rule and the exportation of all Jewish immigrants.

Finally it seemed, the British Government caved in, when under Neville Chamberlin, the White Paper of 1939 was signed: rejecting the idea of a two state system and placing significant restrictions on  Jewish immigration into Palestine and access to their purchasing of land. Basically this was a total betrayal of the Balfour Declaration - and defiance against the Will of the Lord. 

The results of this “White Paper”were historically devastating; prominent among these, was the failure of the British Government to allow thousands of Jews fleeing Nazi occupation, asylum in Palestine…and the shocking incident of a violent clash in 1947 between the British Navy and an unarmed  ship called the Exodus, full of holocaust survivors, who were unable to get to Palestine - again because of the restrictions of this wretched White Paper: Three Jewish holocaust survivors died in this altercation!

…I would go on - but it is too shameful…too painful!

To say that the Lord was displeased with my nation is an understatement…

In short, they now had Jewish blood on their hands! 

And now would see the beginning of the decline of the British Empire.

The mandate for Palestine was eventually handed over to the United Nations - but this accursed “White Paper” lives on - continuing to impose itself as an impenetrable wall between the United Kingdom and the Nation of Israel, even until this day. It is a history of shame…utter shame…

What did we miss? The profound responsibility and privilege of spearheading the birth of the Nation of Israel in 1948, as prophesied in Isaiah 66!

And yet I couldn’t stop seeing this: I spread my wings and keep my promises.

I was seeing it now - hearing it now…as people were ascending this mountain…as they were reading the scrolls ~ and I remember thinking: The role of the United Kingdom in Israel isn’t over yet…

~~~ “I spread my wings and keep my promises” 

I later learned that this was the motto of No.14 Squadron, who served in Palestine from December 1915 until the Holy Land was freed from Turkish rule under General Allenby in 1918. (It is also ironically a quote from the Quran) 

Allenby had been ordered to show respect to the people of the Holy Land - their customs, culture and ways - and to take the City of Jerusalem without firing on the people. When he asked  how this could possibly be done, the answer Allenby received was to PRAY…and this he did! His resulting victory ended 400 years of Ottoman rule.

On December 11 1917 and in breaking tradition of conquering generals of that time, Allenby dismounted his horse at the Jaffa Gate and entered the city of Jerusalem on foot as a sign of peace and respect to the Jewish occupants.~~~

What has happened to my nation..?

The shaft of Light I had seen earlier, was also hitting other nations: South Africa, Kenya, India, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Botswana…nations and provinces which I knew had all once been part of the British Empire…But central to my eye was the main shaft of light; spanning from the USA…to Great Britain…to Israel!

Again I began to prophesy:

“Wake Up! Wake Up! over my nation. 

“There is unfinished work! We must complete what we have started in the Lord! We must finish it!”

I spread my wings and keep my promises.

And I remembered again the Foundation Stone and a prophesy from Ch. 3

“I will shake this nation to its foundations...Its Christian foundations...And I will uncover the foundation stone...I will clear away the rubble and thoroughly purge the surrounding land...and I will rebuild my Church from the ground up.

 I saw a stone...heavy...grasped with two hands, and being brought up out of the water. What was written on it, I couldn’t decipher.  

“And with My own Hands, I will resurrect from the bottom of the sea, that which was thought to be dead, buried and forgotten.”...

As I have already stated in chapter 3, I could not decipher in any detail, what was written on this foundation stone: What I do know - and what I will therefore write is this: Prince William and other members of the Royal Family - as well as prominent members of parliament - having unlocked and read the scrolls handed to them during the climb to the high place, now stood as if in a daze. I specifically remember Prince William - as if suddenly awakened by the Lord God Himself…as if scales had been removed from his eyes - this was also happening to those who were with him: At the same time, I saw the fear of the Lord (the beginning of ALL wisdom) begin to fall upon these prominent people - one after another.

What happened after that can be best described using the scriptures themselves.

2Kings 22

Hilkiah Uncovers the Book of the Law

8 And Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the LORD.”And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it. 

…10 Then Shaphan the secretary told the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a book.” And Shaphan read it before the king.

11 When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes.

12 And the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Micaiah, and Shaphan the secretary, and Asaiah the king’s servant, saying, 

13 “Go, inquire of the LORD for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that has been found. For great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us.”

What exactly did the Lord allow these principal figures of Great Britain to uncover during the climb to the high place? Again I am not clear on the details - but I know that basically, it was the Christian Foundation Stone of the United Kingdom…

And that, at the uncovering of this stone - as the revelation of what was written smote these people to the heart - they fell on their knees as one man, and began to weep and lament.

{“We The People” had uncovered the ancient ruins…they had sought out the ancient paths; I heard weeping and whaling…husbands and wives crying on one another’s shoulders. People were literally rending their hearts. It was like an almost exact replay of Nehemiah ch.8 

10 And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” 

11 So the Levites calmed all the people, saying, “Be quiet, for this day is holy; do not be grieved.” 12 And all the people went their way to eat and drink and to send portions and to make great rejoicing, because they had understood the words that were declared to them.} From Ch.3 “The Unraveling”

I was watching exactly the same scenario play out in Great Britain, as I had seen in the United States of America…and just as with the Levites in Nehemiah ch. 8, I saw others from the mountain - intercessors and devout followers of Jesus, who had made the climb with these people of prominence - now approach them to offer words of godly wisdom, direction and above all else, reassurance and encouragement. I believe that it was at this point - of revelation and the fear of the Lord - that the Gospel was preached by the Remnant to these people and Salvation came down!


But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy, Ezra 3:12


It is an almost certainty that none from our generation ever in the natural, would have been alive to witness anything written upon this Foundation Stone of Great Britain: But we wept nonetheless…we wept because what we were seeing was not in the natural, but through the eyes of the Holy Spirit: And I knew…one thing that was being uncovered - I believe especially before the eyes of Prince William - was the Balfour Declaration.

And I was taken back to the beginning of this vision:

there on the other side, stood the Watchman from before - with the same shofar as before…and with what looked like the Israel flag, draped about him

I looked again at a shaft of light that had once again appeared between Britain and America; the shaft of light had hit the heart of the Remnant- but it didn’t stop there…it carried on, headed Southward and Eastward - towards Israel!

I looked at Prince William - and again I heard:

I spread my wings and keep my promises.

I don’t know what this will look like in the natural…only God knows - but what I do know, is that through the Blood of the Lamb and the power of the Holy Spirit, Great Britain must - and will - via a Remnant of the Lord (a chosen generation), declare her allegiance and support towards Israel again…we must finish what we began: Because what was written by Arthur Balfour to the leader of the Anglo-Jewish movement, was not just a friendly pledge of help from one People to another…This was a Covenant designed by God and made in the Sight of God! He is still holding us (the United Kingdom) to this Covenant!

As this revelation of the Foundation Stone began to reverberate - not just within the Church Remnant, but also within the circles of prominence mentioned - I became aware of a stirring and an awakening - similar to that which I had seen with the Remnant on Plymouth Rock (see The Watchman has No Name Part 1)

And this “awakening” was not before time!…Because:

As I looked back across the Atlantic Ocean at the unraveling, which seemed to be happening in slow motion, because of the vision that was coinciding with it -  no longer did it look like an unraveling chord…nor a line of falling dominos. As I have previously said: This unraveling had now become like a very long fuse that had just been lit from across the ocean in America and was now burning fast toward Great Britain - and on the other side was a keg of dynamite.

Chapter 3

The Watchman Has No Name ~ Part 1


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