Through Heaven’s Eyes

Written 20th April 2021

This clip from Moses Prince of Egypt and the accompanying prophesy is a word from God, to the Church in any nation that reads all of especially the church in the U.S.A.... and the UK: When I looked, I saw Britain...through Heaven’s eyes!🇬🇧...The spirit of the nation was still there...and had not changed (that same spirit of WWII and before)...

but the Face of the nation was what I can only describe as was battle scared, but not battle worn...It was was was unified:  It was the Body of Christ in the nation of Britain.

“Look At Your Life Through Heaven’s Eyes”

“Pray My people...humble yourselves and pray. For I Am birthing a culture of HONOR in My Body: 

Not an honor for big ministries and big names...not the Tower of Babel that this world is building...but honor for one another...from the least to the greatest...

That you would see yourselves and one another through MY EYES...One Body...many MANY diverse one more important in MY EYES than the other...each one essential to the health and effectiveness of the Whole. 

Because through MY EYES, Church is not a pedigree...Church is a Ecclesia...a miraculous and (sometimes messy) but always beautiful, coming together...of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING! Because I gave My Life for EVERYONE (John7:37-38)...and EVERYONE is welcome!...That is what makes you so STRONG and dynamic...

Because you are NOT a pedigree breed - (pure-breeds are highly prized and valued by this world, yet lack resilience and are more prone to health problems)

But my Church is and always has been a strong mixed breed...despised by the elites...seen as valueless by this world...yet, where one part’s weakness becomes another part’s strength...where one part’s gifting meets another part’s need...where the very thing that is seen as valueless - her huge diversity - is what is making her so strong and resilient!...

And all under One Head...and all bought by the same none can boast (1Cor 1:26-29).

If you claim to honor Me you must also honor those in whom I dwell...You must learn to honor one another.

Therefore I am about to birth a spirit of Honor in My House, because you must LEARN to function side by side, as one...(Nehemiah ch 3 & 4)

“Though you never know all the steps, you must LEARN to join the dance” (Heaven’s Eyes 1998)

 ...and when My Body, in all its wonderful diversity of shapes and sizes learns to “dance together as one”, she becomes a formidable army, who is able to set the captives from Babel free and compel those on the outside to come in and LEARN to do the same.

This is a call from Heaven:

 “My People stop looking for pedigrees (celebrities and superheros) in My Body - you will find non(Romans3:22-23)...Stop trying to build Babel in My House...What you build will be tried and tested by My fire (1Cor 3:11-17) 

Rather humble yourselves...and ask Me Church...Ask Me!...that you may look at your life...and each other’s...not through the eyes of man... but look through Heaven’s eyes.

Other related prophecies:



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