Forever United - A Kingdom Under God

For every walled garden; for every climbing rose: for the fragrance of every wild flower - in every wild meadow…for every brook and stream, every winding, leafy lane…every rolling hill; every patchwork of field and hedgerow. For the stone-built church that still points upwards, because Your Word is etched down deep into its foundations: For the stone cottage and the corner shop; for the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea. For everything that is England, that reminds us of everything that is still good (Luke 18:19)…everything that is of you (James1:17)

For the glory of your coming redemption, upon all of these things: 

For the multitudes of people who you have shown me, WILL enter in to Your Kingdom. 

For the changing face of Great Britain - from one of Anglo-Saxon Celt,  to the most beautiful array of color and race ever seen..for the multitude of culture and religion that YOU have brought to this country…and who You will bring into the Kingdom…

For their coming unity, that I have seen around the Cross, and for the great revival at the end of times that YOU will bring among them and through them. 

…so that the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.           This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord,(Ephesians 2:10-

For it was your plan all along, that our multi-cultural Land would become our strength: For we are not one breed…not one race anymore, but we are now many - and herein lies our strength (as with the natural, so with the spiritual). 

Thank you Lord for showing me: One Lord, one Faith one baptism - one Way…but many, many cultures, and many people coming OUT from many religions…from north, south, east and west…and every latitude and longitude in between. 

Thank you Lord for bringing them here to our shores…and for placing us here, for such a time as this. 

It was Your plan all along that we your Church, should be a tapestry of many threads…A Body of many parts…yes, even a “coat of many colors” (Gen.37-50)- which has and will continue, to infuriate many people - 

but thank you that your plan all along has been Salvation to the nations…and although it seems to have brought evil to our shores, that which the enemy intends for evil, You will and are turning to good. 

Thank you for the Day you have shown me, when you will raise the godly foundation stones of this nation, and others, to the surface. That people will recognize and run to them…for these were here long before any of us. 

…That these stones themselves will begin to cry out, in response to the prayers of the Saints, past, present…and future…from this United Kingdom 🇬🇧 and beyond - that this nation, along with America, will discover, and uncover her true and godly foundations, and take her stand upon them.

A vision from God - for Great Britain…

“If I should die, think only this of me:

      That there’s some corner of a foreign field

That is for ever England.”

The Soldier


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