Run The Race Of Faith

This was a race for the soul of humanity…and with each lap, more and more people joined the race and started running…But no longer just gentiles - now it was Jews…I said to the Lord “the vale is truly being lifted…(Read Romans 11:25-26) What does that mean for us?” Then I heard the sound of a bell… the sound that you hear when a runner hits the final lap of a race… And there were many people running…I sensed tension in the heavenly places: One after another, we entered the final lap - and each time the bell would ring. As a consequence, the bell didn’t stop ringing, but just kept on. And I heard “Last Call!” This is a wake up call for the Gentile Church; This is the final time around: I saw nations and people groups I had not seen before… Cultures and tongues I did not know (Matt 24:14)… At the final bell, they entered into The Way, and joined the race with us (Matthew 20:1-16)… And I felt the Lord saying to everyone, “Keep on! Don’t stop: “For the final la...